Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society

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Patient Support Session: COVID-19 and Cancer Patients

RSW, Ontological Coach & Bereavement Specialist Cindy Lang presents “COVID-19 and Cancer Patients – The effects and how to cope with the current situations”.

Everyone is facing such uncertainty living in this pandemic, filled with anxiety and worry about COVID-19. These feelings and experiences are all compounded if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer. There are new limitations, lost dreams, cancelled plans, hearing your cancer diagnosis maybe for the first time, treatment and appointments - and you are facing all of this potentially alone, feeling isolated and afraid.

When the bad news is broken, our grief begins.

This is the time when you need your “village” more than ever as you navigate cancer yourself or care for someone you love. COVID-19 and cancer is a scary and unfamiliar place to be.

Cindy will take you on a thought-provoking evening, helping you to understand grief and loss, and how to cope with cancer and caregiving while we are living through this pandemic.

Patient Support Session: COVID-19 and Cancer Patients
When: Wednesday, 19 May 2021 07:00 PM MDT

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Meeting ID: 819 2121 8689
Passcode: 423838

The meeting is free and open to the public. Please RSVP your intention to attend to The zoom link will be available closer to the session date.


More information about Cindy Lang.