News & Updates
Welcome to SAMPS
The Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society (“SAMPS”) is comprised of Myeloma patients, their caregivers, families and friends. The Society welcomes all patients, care teams and support groups to join us in a relaxed, informal and confidential environment to share support, comfort, information and friendship.
Our mission is to provide support to Myeloma patients and their care teams. We accomplish this by providing information related to Myeloma to various community resources, including the Tom Baker Library. Various media are used to disseminate information to our members including webinars, conferences and social events held throughout the year. The membership is kept apprised of scheduled events via monthly newsletters and social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
SAMPS is very proud to support local research initiatives in Calgary and assist researchers in ongoing and ground-breaking efforts to treat Myeloma. This is made possible by regular fundraising activities and donations by our donors. The Society continues an open dialogue with other support groups and pharmaceutical companies in an effort to stay current on drug treatments and the effects these drugs have on our patient members.
SAMPS is also pleased to participate in the Health Coalition of Alberta and maintain ongoing communications with Alberta Health Services in an effort to advocate for the needs of patients. Members of our Board of Directors adopt an active role in learning the advocacy rules for Myeloma drugs governing Alberta and across Canada.
Please continue to navigate through our website to see how we can best partner together through your Myeloma journey.
Explore resources for patients and family members navigating their way through a new diagnosis.
Explore resources for caregivers and anyone who wants to better understand living with Myeloma.
Researchers, doctors and nurses are all important members of SAMPS, both receiving and providing leading-edge care information.
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Follow SAMPS on Twitter (@myeloma_samps) or Facebook (southernalbertamyelomapatientsociety) for quick updates and announcements.