Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society

News & Updates

March is Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month!

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? You’re not alone.

For the month of March, the Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society will be hosting a series of online campaigns aimed at increasing general awareness of multiple myeloma and promoting early detection and diagnosis. Please join us to spread the word. Here’s how:

Through Social Media

  • Let people know that March is Myeloma Awareness Month

  • Share our poster (JPG or PDF)

  • Share your story

  • Share the myeloma facts (see below)

Be sure to tag us (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) and use the hashtag #MyelomaAwarenessMonth.

Other ways

Did you know…

  • 9 Canadians are diagnosed with multiple myeloma every DAY

  • Last year, approximately 3,400 Canadians were diagnosed with multiple myeloma

  • Myeloma is the second most common form of blood cancer

  • Myeloma is a blood cancer associated with abnormal behaviour and uncontrolled growth of plasma cells

  • Myeloma can affect different parts of the body such as the bones and kidneys

  • The cause(s) of myeloma remains unknown

  • To date, there is no cure for myeloma

  • Advancements in research and treatment enable those impacted by myeloma to live better and longer lives

Angela Craig