Southern Alberta Myeloma Patient Society

News & Updates

SAMPS Needs Your Help

Hello, dear Members,

I know that you are all aware of our non-profit status, and the fact that all of our revenue is comprised of donations from the public and the funds we receive from the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (“AGLC”) for participation in their charity casino program. Because of Covid-19 and all of the pandemic restrictions, the AGLC casino program has been on hold, and although we are hopeful that it will soon resume, we have no definite casino date. Therefore, it’s more important than ever that our 2021 Virtual Myeloma Challenge (“2021 VMC”) scheduled for July 18-24, 2021, be successful. Not only is this our MAJOR Annual Fundraiser; it will be our ONLY fundraiser this year.

SAMPS needs your help and support now more than ever.

Last year SAMPS raised $56,000.00 to support research specific to Myeloma at the University of Calgary Division of Hematology Research Lab and Education Fund lead by Dr. Nazir Bahlis and Dr. Paola Neri, and to increase awareness of Myeloma in Alberta. Dr. Bahlis and Dr. Neri support us in every way possible, and ensure that we have the most up-to-date information to provide to you, our members.

Donations also ensure that we can provide our membership with regular educational/support sessions, the monthly Newsletter, advocate for all of us living with Myeloma to municipal, provincial, and (sometimes) federal governing bodies, and maintain our website and IT requirements.

In these uncertain days, we are so excited to share some positive news! Brenda and Doug Bauman contacted us to say that they would like to kick-start our fundraising campaign with a donation of $5,000.00!! That was an amazingly kind gesture, and we thank Mr. and Mrs. Bauman for their generosity and continued support. Our goal this year is to bust through the $56,000.00 raised last year. Can we double that amount? I think we can!

The registration deadline for 2021 VMC is July 17, 2021.

If you feel you cannot take part in 2021 VMC, please consider giving a donation – no amount is too small!

This is your chance to help make a difference and have some fun at the same time. Last year most of the Virtual Challenge registrants were SAMPS Board members. While we had a ton of fun, it was disappointing that we didn’t see more membership involvement.

Not all of the Challenge registrants do physically strenuous activities. Here are some of the activities undertaken last year as personal challenges:

  • Knitting for donation to individuals in need

  • Greeting card making for our oncology nurses and doctors

  • Walking a set number of steps or kilometres

  • Cycling a set number of kilometres

Some people are great bakers, or crafters. If you aren’t active (believe me, we have all been there!!), do something you really love to do. Here are some ideas:

  • Walk around your block (at your own pace) X number of times during the week

  • Make a bunch of your favourite recipe (jam, chutney, cookies, whatever) and do an Awesome Cookie/Chutney/Jam Challenge (ask your family/friends to donate to the SAMPS Virtual Challenge to help raise funds for research to fight your disease, in exchange for some of your lovely kitchen product)

  • Sewing projects (placemats, quilts, teapot cozies) or crocheted/knitted baby blankets to be donated to a group who helps families in need, or a daycare in your area

… the list is endless! At the end of the Challenge week, send us a photo of what you have accomplished!

We know this type of virtual challenge (or any challenge, for that matter) can be successful because we’ve done it! We all did whatever we enjoyed doing in our daily lives, and helped raise funds doing it. Our families and friends jumped in to support those of us living with Myeloma, as they always do, because they hate Myeloma almost as much as we patients do!

If you cannot, or do not wish to, physically participate, then please consider making a donation to this worthy cause and hit the “DONATE” button below. Spread the word to your family and friends who have donated in the past. Every single penny helps – no amount is too small. (Tax receipts are issued for donations of $25.00 and over.)

We love doing what we do, but you know the saying “It takes a village …”. Well, you are our village. Without people like you and the Baumans, we wouldn’t be here.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at, Susan Brick, our Events Director, at, or leave a question or comment at

With our sincere thanks,

SAMPS President